Rosemary Pure Essential Oil, the Herb is steam distilled from the flowers, stems and leaves of the plant. According to the the British Pharmacopoeia, the oil distilled from the flowering tops is superior to that obtained from the stem and leaves, which is where nearly all commercial oil are said to be distilled.
The smell of rosemary essential oil is woody and herbal and is used in aromatherapy to refresh and stimulate the mind.
This oil is helpful to treat wounds, burns, colds, flu, fatigue, digestive trouble, headaches, asthma, bronchitis, gout, rheumatism, liver and gall bladder problems, water retention and poor circulation. For a massage, rosemary oil is often mixed with a base oil or two like almond, apricot kernel or hazelnut oil. It is good for the hair as it is said to increase circulation to the scalp and promote hair growth. Never use this oil internally, and avoid it if you're pregnant or suffer from high blood pressure or epilepsy.
Latin Name : Rosmarinus Officinalis.
Part of Plant Used : Flowering Tops.
Source : Tunisia.
Extraction Method : Steam Distillation.
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