Native American Tarot Cards Deck

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Edward Goodbird, warrior of the Hidatsa tribe, writes: "Everything in the world is living, has its own spirit. The sky has a spirit, the clouds have a spirit, the sun and the moon have their own spirits. The same is true for animals, trees, grass, water, and stone. Everything. These spirits are our gods. If we pray to them or make offerings to them, they help us when we are in need." When the Algonquin turn to Manitou, the Sioux to Wakantanka, the Hidatsu to Gsupa, and the Iroquois to Orenda, they turn to the power of the marvellous and the exceptional present in man, in plants, in animals, or in the buzzing of insects in which the wise person recognizes the voices of the gods.

Pack information: 78 meditative cards & booklet
Card dimensions: 65 x 120 mm
