Bergamot Pure Essential Oil 10ml

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Bergamot Pure Essential oil is used in aromatherapy to treat depression, stress, tension, low self-confidence, fear, and hysteria. It is useful in healing skin infections like general wounds, psoriasis, cold sores, and eczema.

It is said to help those suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affected Disorder), PMS, compulsive eating, postnatal depression, colds, and flu. Bergamot oil is a favourite in aromatherapy and is used in vaporisers, massages, and blended into bath water.

Experts advice caution when using this oil on sensitive skin if it is exposed to sunlight after application, as this may cause burns. Keep out of the sun if this oil has been used on the skin.

Latin Name : Citrus Bergamia.
Part Of Plant Used : Fruit Peel
Source :
Ivory Coast.
Extraction Method :
Cold Expression.

 Bottled by Ancient Wisdom Yorkshire
